Adivasi Vikas Kalyan Samiti


The goal of ADIVASI VIKAS KALYAN SAMITI is to have a healthy community through community health action, by promoting social justice in the provision & distribution of health care. It is believed that people grow better when they are encouraged to do whatever they can for themselves. It is hoped that good health may become a reality for all the people only through organizational activities at the voluntary level. Persons and associations classed as voluntary have great opportunity to help people at the weakest & most depressed. To see the value of good health and have access to basic health services as human rights. Primary health is the prime crux of the health care delivery system and is most important to ensure community health promotion.


Its major aims & objectives as laid down in the Memorandum of Association are as follows:

a. To do work of charity and service aimed at improving health irrespective of race, religion, caste or community in particular.

b. To collaborate with other medical facilities working in the area to ensure conservation of resources and as wide Public Health coverage as possible.

c. To promote greater cooperation between voluntary and Government Health Agencies by undertaking joint coverage for community health work.

d. To acquire by purchase, lease, gift, legacy, bequest or otherwise all movable or immovable properties needed for the administration of this Association.

e. To erect, hire, repair, reconstruct, demolish or remodel buildings of health centres and allied buildings.

f. To enter into arrangements with any Government or authority whether central, state, Municipal, District, Local or otherwise that may seem conducive to accomplish the objects of the Association. 

g. To raise money for any of the above purposes by sale, mortgage or change of all or any property of the society.

h. To accept subscription, donations and to receive funds for services rendered from within the country and Abroad, to invest, to lay aside, to deposit in Banks or otherwise deal with the moneys of funds of the Association not immediately required for the objectives of the Association and to subscribe for purchase, acquire, hold, sell, endorse and negotiate in every way all moneys and property belonging to the Association.

i. To borrow or to raise funds with or without security in any manner the Association may think fit and to repay the same.

j. To establish and maintain the functions and services needed to fulfill the aims and objects of the Association and to do or cause to be done all acts or things necessary or incidental to carrying out the objects of the Association and to have perpetual succession by its common seal. 

k. To collect, disseminate and exchange information.

l. To study trends and developments in the health field.

m. To maintain contact with State and other health agencies for free medical facilities services of community.

n. To interpret health problems and viewpoints to allied organizations.

o. To represent voluntary health groups in conferring with statewide organizations relating in one way or another to health work and workers.

p. To present the views of voluntary health workers to legislative bodies, governmental units and regulatory agencies.

q. To conduct seminars, workshops and conferences for health personnel and related groups.

r. To arrange consulting services in the field of accounting, legal liability matters, public relations and others. 

s. To work towards uniformity in administrative procedures in the field of health and education.

t. To bring about better understanding between hospitals and health workers in different Government and Voluntary health organizations. 

u. To encourage better standards of patient care and extension of general health services of member agencies by advisory inspection or any other means.

v. To carry out medical relief, disaster risk reduction including rehabilitation work at the time of disaster, emergency and as per need. 

w. To do all such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the above objects. 

z. To improve better health of community people by linkage development and livelihood promotion, to promote livelihood for better health of women and child, to work for better health services strengthening delivery system through community monitoring and other means, to work for reducing life style disorders. 

z(i) To work for elimination of Communicable diseases, vector borne disease etc., to work for protecting climate change and promote safe & co friendly environment, to organize different courses on health and development issues like diploma and certificate courses.

z(ii) To work for empowering community women and adolescents for better health care & promotion, to work for rights and entitlements of Dalit and other downtrodden communities, to work for rescue & prevention of trafficked women & children, to promote gender and child rights for better health care, to work for safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene promotion.